Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm On Facebook!!!

I launched my Facebook page in October 2012 and let me tell you... I have A LOT to learn.  I wish I had one tenth of what my husband (The Geek) has when it comes to being tech savvy.  But I'm putting on my big girl panties and I got them pulled up high enough to look like granny panties with the wedgie (ok sorry TMI) and I too will possess something geeky!

I recently gave myself a challenge of posting a card a day and using my friends as work horses to help me start getting their friends, family, and other acquaintances to "like" my page.  Facebook is quite interesting.  When you reach 30 likes, you get to view insights.  So now I get to see how my posts are fairing.  When I make a post... I have a chance to see if and when my cards go viral.  It gives me "stock market" reporting - telling me if people are engaged or talking about my page and how many people I'm reaching with percentages.  It is very exciting.  As you keep seeing my posts you will notice I'm going to launch contests.  A great way to win free stuff for just liking my page.  This Facebook page well also help getting the word out on my Etsy store where kind people who like my paper goods enough will be willing to purchase them.  I got my fingers crossed.

I'm deeming this project as Facebook Posts