Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Cards for Grandma Geek

Well first of all, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Mine was short and sweet - walking away with a full belly and happy that I was able to catch up with family.  Secondly, referring to my husband's Grandmother as "Grandma Geek" makes me feel a little uncomfortable.  She is by far not a geek, but since it is my husband's Grandma (who he affectionately calls "Mamaw"), I thought the cute play on words would let you know who's Grandmother I was referring to :)

Grandma Geek received 6 new Christmas cards that I made in a day or so.  Man I wish I had more to give her.   My inventory of pre-made cards is like old mother Hubbard looking in her cupboard to find her dog a bone.  Yet another reason for this blog... to keep me honest. I can't whine that I have no cards if I don't make them and post them... right?   My goal is to always have several cards on hand made tailor made to whomever receives it or to even have enough for a hostess gift - which brings me back to Grandma Geek.

Me giving her 6 cards is enough to send to each one to her children and us should she choose to. When I handed her the modest box.  Her eyes lit up with joy exclaiming "I just love these! I use them for everything! Birthdays... Thank You's... everything!"  My heart melted... I wanted to run back home and immediately start making her more.  I told her how much that meant to me... and that be on the look out for Christmas cause she'll never have to buy another card again, she is set.

So on top of my Julie and Julia project, or projects, not quite ready to announce all I want to do... but I do have other things cookin' - after all my girlfriends don't call me "Tart" for nothing. I want to make Grandma Geek some more cards. These are just a tease.

I will deem what I make Grandma as the 

"Grandma Geek Project."  

Please enjoy these for now. 

These definitely got me into the Christmas spirit so me and the Geek are having a tree trimming date tonight... and yes, there will be handmade paper ornaments on there ha ha.

With my first pictures of cards posted... I hope you are starting to get a smidgen of inspiration... let me know!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Julie and Julia? A blog is born...

Hello Fellow Paper Crafters!

It is a rainy Saturday afternoon here in Healdsburg, California... just 5 short days before Thanksgiving.  A perfect time for me to start making a hostess gift for my husband's Grandmother who loves my handmade cards.

Before diving into my "card making haze," I decided to update my I-Phone because my husband, affectionately known as "The Geek", has been diligently asking me to do so.  Technology challenged,  I barely know my apps from a hole in the ground - I mistakingly decided to update my phone through I Tunes without The Geek's supervision. Sadly, in the process,  I lost all of my pictures and videos.  All of our fur-baby pics, the pictures taken of my hubby's and my treasured summer outings that were meant to go into a future scrapbook, and the pictures I took of cards I made before sending them to love ones.

  After a nice good cry I decided get back on the horse again.   I know I will always have memories of the funny stuff our dog, Hurley, does - and the wonderful times Chuck (The Geek lol) have with each other.  I also know I will have memories of the joy I bring to people when they see my handmade creations.  I also know I can create more of these sentiments too!

All of the sudden I had an idea!

As you are reading this I hope you are a "foodie" or at the very least a movie buff.  Have you seen Julie and Julia?  A brief synopsis from IMDb... "Julia Child's story of her start in the cooking profession is intertwined with blogger Julie Powell's 2002 challenge to cook all the recipes in Child's first book."  Well I love the movie and even more so... love the concept.  I thought of taking this concept and applying it to card making.

I will deem this project as

"The Julie and Julia's Project - Go To Sketches"


My Inspiration: PaperCrafts "Go to Sketches"

The Challenge: Make cards from all of the posted sketches.

My Hopes: To inspire Paper Crafters who read this to do the same and share their own creations with loved ones.

With this blog, I'll never lose any more pictures of cards I have made in my life.  With this blog, I can still bring joy to the loved ones in which these cards are intended for and bring joy to you as you are reading this and getting your creative juices flowing.  This is only the first of many challenges I plan on doing.  I think this blog will be a wonderful hub for you to find ideas for many occasions.  I will post everything I plan on making, even things that don't have to do with this challenge.  Feel free to do the same!

My only disclaimer is that you be kind, I am by all means not a professional card maker, english major, or a blogging expert.  All are welcomed, and believe me there are going to be a lot of spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and posting faux pas that are going to happen.

Looking forward to your participation and seeing your creations... let the inspiration begin and we wish me luck!